The College requires 30 days’ notice, prior to any student leaving the College. The notice must be submitted via this Student Exit Form. If insufficient notice is provided (i.e. less than 30 days'), 1 (one) months fees will be charged in lieu of notice. Tentative notice must also be provided within 30 days', if there is a possibility that a student may be leaving for any reason (i.e. application to TechNQ or another college, application to another school, upcoming Defence or employment transfer).
Have you returned all of your library books/textbooks? *
If you answered no to the above, please return all textbooks and library books in good order prior to leaving. If textbooks and library books are not returned in good order, the replacement cost will be charged to your account.
The College will take up to 28 days, after the date of exit, to verify that all books have been returned, complete all checks and balances, and to process any adjustments required on your account. Please be prepared that your payments may continue after the exit date to allow for verification and finalisation of your account.
Reason for Departure? *
My child currently attends Calvary OSCH *
(Please read carefully)
• The College requires 30 days’ notice, in writing to the Registrar, prior to students leaving the College.
• The College only accepts a completed and signed Student Exit Form as ‘written notice’.
• ‘Tentative Notice’ must also be provided with 30 days’ notice, if there is a possibility that a student may be leaving for any reason, even if it is not yet confirmed (e.g. application to TechNQ or another college; application to another school; upcoming Defence or employment transfer).
• 1 (one) month’s Fees in Lieu of Notice will be charged if insufficient notice is provided (i.e. less than 30 days’ notice is provided to the College).
• Therefore, if families notify the College with less than 30 days’ notice prior to leaving the College, a penalty fee will be added to their school account, on top of their current fees. This penalty fee is called ‘Fees in Lieu of Notice’ and is equal to 1 month’s worth of fees, per exiting child. Please contact the Finance Office on 4722 9210 or email accounts@calvary.qld.edu.au.
• The College’s requirement for 30 days’ notice in writing to the Registrar, prior to students leaving the College, and the subsequent penalty charge of 1 (one) month’s Fees in Lieu of Notice if insufficient notice is provided, is in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in each family’s signed enrolment contract and the fee schedule which is issued each year and is available on the College website.
• The College also sends a personal email reminder to each family individually, four times a year, at the end of each term, to remind families of the College’s requirement for 30 days’ notice prior to leaving the College.
• The date a family officially notifies the College of a student leaving, is defined as the ‘notification date’.
- This means families are not able to back-date the ‘date’ on this Student Exit Form.
• The date a student actually leaves the College is defined as the ‘exit date’.
- As such, a student’s ‘Last Day of School’ must be a date within the school term and not within a school holiday.
- Families may not forward-date the ‘Last Day of School’ on the Student Exit Form
- Families may not advise a date as the ‘Last Day of School’ in order to provide the 30 days’ notice, with the intention of withdrawing the student earlier regardless.
- If a student is found to be having ‘unexplained absences’ up to the date advised, the College will amend the ‘exit date’ to the last date of actual attendance within the school term, and the relevant penalty fees will apply.
• Exiting student/s will be officially recorded as enrolled at the College up to and including the ‘exit date’.
• Exiting student/s will be officially recorded as no longer enrolled at the College after the ‘exit date’.
• All textbooks and library books must be returned in good order prior to leaving the College.
• If textbooks and library books are not returned in good order, the replacement cost will be charged to your account.
• Secondary Students must leave lockers or desks (Year 7) empty, clean and unlocked prior to leaving the College.
• The College will take up to 28 days, after the date of exit, to verify that all books have been returned, complete all checks and balances, and to process any adjustments required on a family’s account.
• Automated payments will therefore continue to occur as usual and may continue after the exit date, to allow for verification and finalisation of the account, and to ensure the school account has been paid in full.
• Failure to finalise payments on any school account may result in the account being sent to Debt Collection.
• This applies to all exiting families, even those who have provided 30 days’ notice.
• Lockers in the Secondary College must be left unlocked, empty and clean. If this is not completed by the exit date, a member from the Secondary College will arrange for the lock to be removed and the locker emptied.
• If circumstances change and families wish to retract their exit advice, please contact the Registrar immediately. Please note: retraction is only possible if a place is still available in the cohort and at the discretion of the Principal.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Tentative Notice Provided:
Account Name:
Account Number: