Secondary General Excursion Permission Form

Secondary General Excursion Permission Form

Throughout the year, your child will attend a number of off campus activities. By signing this Permission Form you agree to the following:

• Your child attending weekly Sporting and Co-Curricular Activities off campus each Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon.
• Your child attending the College Inter-House Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country and Clean-Up Australia Day Activities off campus.
• Your child attending Inter-School Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Activities off campus as they are nominated.
• Your child attending weekly HPE/PE activities off campus in accordance with College Curriculum.
• Your child attending subject specific activities off campus throughout the year in accordance with College Curriculum.
• Your child travelling to and from the aforementioned activities on transport provided by the College.

College Staff will notify you, via a letter sent home with your child or emailed directly to you, of activities as they occur. These letters will inform you of specific details and cost (if any). Should you wish to withdraw your permission for any event you must do so in writing at least 24 hours prior to the activity. This is to be submitted to the teacher in charge or the Secondary College Office.

Any costs incurred for Excursions need to be paid prior to the activity.

The College has both Public Liability Insurance and Student Accident Insurance. Parents wishing to make a claim under insurance will need to contact the College for further details.

Please complete the form below.